

Publicity is the movement of information with the effect of increasing public awareness of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people, goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment. Publicity is gaining public visibility or awareness for a product, service or your company via the media. It is the publicist that carries out publicity, while PR is the strategic management function that helps an organization communicate, establish and maintain communication with the public. This can be done internally, without the use of media. From a marketing perspective, publicity is one component of promotion which is one component of marketing. The other elements of the promotional mix are advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal selling. Examples of promotional tactics include: Art people event sponsorship Arrange a speech or talk Make an analysis or prediction Conduct a poll or survey Issue a report Take a stand on a controversial subject Arrange for a testimonial Announce an appointment Invent then present an award Stage a debate Organize a tour of your business or projects Issue a commendation

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